Performance Benchmarking

Performance data used for benchmarking and further performance optimization initiatives


The Improve phase involves the facilitation of learning from every of the previous phases and the distillation and cascading of same, within the relevant onshore and offshore based drilling team members. Lessons must be captured and incorporated in existing Lessons Learned register started at the Challenge workshops and be validated by relevant technical authorities and fed into the go forward plan for future activities. The Performance Coach is responsible for driving this process with rigor, quantifying the value of lessons learned and reporting same on Value reports and other scorecards / dashboards.


Best Practices (practices worth replicating) are captured and documented to be fed  into the future drilling programs. Task specific learning is captured for adoption in upcoming, similar activities within the same well.   


Our goal on any project is to identify the exit path and agree upfront with the client the timing and strategy for disengagement and process sustainability. 

DPAMS is unique in its ability to be tailored to the client’s unique needs and helps both customers who need to build a performance optimization program from the ground up as well as those needing to enhance and focus performance improvement initiatives in order to realize optimum value from their existing programs. 

Typical Results 

Our proven approach to Drilling Performance consistently delivers sustainable business results placing some of our clients on the way towards Top Quartile performance.