Maintenance & Reliability Service

Ofserv maintenance & reliability consulting services offering provides upstream clients with specific, customized information on where and how to improve their physical asset management practices, along with assistance implementing recommended improvements.

We offer a comprehensive reliability solution that is tailored to your organization and are committed to providing clear, concise and quantitative deliverables that enable you to understand and capture your eliability potential.

Our partnership with you includes the development of a Business Case for Reliability, a benchmark-based Reliability Gap Analysis, and implementation design based on The Goal Achievement Model for change management. 

Many companies today operate in numerous countries on several continents. While they are sometimes able to achieve “best practice” reliability results at isolated facilities, rarely are they able to extend the success of their best facilities to every facility in their enterprise.

Tools in our solutions toolkit include:

  • Reliability Strategy Planning
  • PdM Baseline & Application
  • RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance)
  • FMEA (Failure Modes Effects Analysis)
  • PM Development
  • MOM (Maintenance Optimization Matrix)
  • RCFA (Root Cause Failure Analysis)

Customer results typically include:

  • Increased
  • Asset Reliability
  • Asset Availability
  • Process Uptime
  • Process Rate / Productivity
  • Decreased
  • Spare Parts Inventory
  • Environmental/Safety Incidents
  • Maintenance Costs as a Percentage of Replacement Asset Value (RAV)

Contact us for a no obligation consultation on how our Maintenance & Reliability offering can help